Revenue Cycle Management

Harness the Power of Revenue Cycle and Credentials


There is an abundance of factors that go into running a successful medical practice. One of the most important is revenue cycle management.

Healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM) is the process by which health systems bill for services and generate revenue - from a patient's first appointment to the payor's acceptance of the final payment.

The significance of RCM in healthcare

With Revenue Cycle Management, healthcare providers certify they’re properly and quickly reimbursed for their services. While this is certainly beneficial to the provider, it’s equally beneficial to the patient.

RCM’s overall goal of increasing provider revenue works to benefit the patient above everyone else. Revenue cycle management increases provider revenue while decreasing the time spent on administrative and clinical functions. This means more money and time devoted to the patient and their treatment.

With our expert payor contract negotiators, you’ll ensure you have all the tools you need to ensure a streamlined revenue cycle. We’re experienced, thorough, and dedicated to helping healthcare facilities provide the best patient care possible.

The transformative Power of RCM

Effective revenue cycle management ensures that these steps are performed thoroughly and accurately to help providers avoid delayed or lost revenue.

Although the main objective of RCM is to increase provider revenue, it delivers other benefits in the process. These benefits not only serve the providers but also the patients, giving revenue cycle management even greater value.

  • Identifying and Resolving Errors
  • Decreasing Administrative Burden
  • Avoiding Healthcare Issues
  • Increasing Healthcare Facility Revenue

Revenue Cycle Management

An Important Tool for Providers and Patients

Revenue cycle management includes the following process:

Eligibility and benefits verifications

One of the many tasks that your front desk staff does is verify a patient’s eligibility and insurance benefits. We understand how hard it ...

Patients Pre-Authorization

Prior authorization is a management process used by insurance companies to determine if a prescribed product or service will be covered ...

Claims Submission

Claim scrubbing or Claim submission process involves reviewing the claim data before submitting the claim to payers. We utilize the ...

Payment Posting

Payment posting is a critical step of the revenue cycle management of any solo practitioner or healthcare organization. It involves ...

Denial Management

Denial Management is the process of systematically investigating each denial, performing a root cause analysis of why each ...

A/R Follow-up

In medical billing, the term accounts receivable (A/R) refers to the money that you are yet to receive from your client(s) for the services ...


Reporting in medical billing performance is more complicated today than ever before because the options for reporting are ...

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14430 Ocean Point, El Paso, TX 79938

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